
TIMG_9549he Lent Photo A Day word for today is Death. Ugh. I am not a big fan.  So in trying to process an idea for a devotional photo, I was struggling. But my son who was with me today as we made a few doctors appointments and a couple visits for me to folks in the hospital mentioned that may be taking a picture of a tree  would work.  His rationale was this; in many ways winter is a time of death for a tree.  To our eyes, it is barren and lifeless. He had a good point, and before I could ponder it very long I saw this shot as we were leaving one parking lot.  Immediately I threw the car in park, and jumped out and took the shot. Death is real, it is stark, but so too are the promises of the Son, that in the midst of,  there is a love and life stronger than death in his name.

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